
“There are two ways to live: you can live as if nothing is a miracle; you can live as if everything is a miracle.” – Albert Einstein

Today started with a deep self-awareness session. My time in the morning is becoming precious to me once again. For the past year I’ve just wanted to catch up on sleep. Or maybe I just wanted to sleep as I did before kids (both things being equally impossible). I think about my weekday alarm, titled Life, and how I never wake up to it. I feel really bad, if not stupid, about how long it has taken me to realize what I’m doing wrong. I think about how everyday I would wake up and get ready for work, while I was always late, I was preparing myself for the day in the mornings. Going to work, I had a timeclock and a supervisor who held me accountable for my latenesses; now its my two amazing sons and husband. While being a stay at home mom and wife is staying home, it doesnt mean it time off of work; it is certanly NOT a vacation. It’s the most important job I have ever had. My decisions directly effect others, not just staff around me or a boss that I never see; my decisions effect those that I care about the most; my husband and my children. Writing this post and publishing it online is me being accountable for my actions. If I do not stick to my goal then I have myself to answer to, and is there anyone who is tougher on you??

This realization is one of the reasons why studying life, family and organization means so much to me, why i wish to share it with others. As a mother and wife all of our actions should be altruistic. Your families happiness is your reward.

I have been given one of the few things that I have always wanted; to have a family and to raise a family. It’s so easy to focus on what you don’t have or what you’re not doing as opposed to the things that you do have and are grateful for.

With that being said, take a moment each day to make a note of the things that you are thankful for. You can write them down, type them up, or just make a mental note. Either way I think this is key to happiness; it keeps us connected to one another and it keeps our perception of life positive, while keeping our overall demeanour positive.

Today, I am thankful for:
1. My husband’s kiss.
2. My 1 year old learning his body parts.
3. My 2 year old learning manners.

No matter how small the gesture or event may seem, if you smile while typing them then you are on the right track 🙂
